24/7 Helpline
We are here to help.
Our Helpline service is free, confidential and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Free 24/7 text 234
Free 24/7 call 0800 37 66 33
DM us on Instagram @youthlinenz
Message us on WhatsApp 09 886 5696
Chat via Webchat 10am –10pm
No problem is too big or too small – we are here to listen and support you.
Our Helpline service is available for any young person anywhere in New Zealand, or anyone who is supporting a young person. We are happy to chat with parents, grandparents, friends, whānau, teachers, coaches and more. Being supported as the support person is incredibly important.
When you get in touch, your call or message will be answered by a Helpline counsellor. They will introduce themselves and ask you a little about yourself and how they can help.
You can say anything you want in confidence. In fact, you don’t even need to use your own name.
If you are in a difficult position they may ask you how they can help and may offer some ideas, but it is not for them to make judgments or tell you what to do. They will work things out with you, not for you. Sometimes working through a problem might take more than one conversation, and that is okay.
Our team will not judge or criticise you, or tell you what to do. You might be asked how you are feeling and be invited to talk about your feelings. We try to provide a comfortable and accepting experience to give you the time and space that you need to talk if you want to. You do not have to be in a crisis situation to get in touch. People call for all sorts of reasons; because they feel alone, or because they lost someone they care for, others because they are having difficulties making their relationships work.