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Understanding harm

Harm, or abuse, is never okay. Talking about it can be tough, but it’s really important to know that there is help out there. If you’re worried you or someone you know is being harmed, we want to help explain what it can look like and who can support you.

Suicidal thoughts

Many young people know suicide is a big issue in Aotearoa, and you may know it affects most of us in some way. Just because someone has these thoughts doesn’t mean they’ll act on them, but it does mean they really need support.

Being kind to yourself and others

Being kind to yourself or self-compassion involves extending kindness and care to oneself, much like how we would support a close friend. Kristin Neff, a prominent researcher in the field, highlights three core elements of self-compassion: self-kindness, a sense of shared humanity, and mindfulness.

Stress and how to manage it

Stress is your body’s natural reaction when you feel threatened or when you have too much going on at once. Everyone reacts differently to stress. Stress can result in various physical symptoms, impact your behaviour, and heighten your emotional reactions.

Understanding anxiety and how to handle it

Feeling anxious or worried is totally normal, especially when big changes happen in life. But if these feelings are getting in the way of you doing the things you want to or need to do in life then you might be experiencing anxiety.

ADHD and how to manage it    

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s a condition that affects how your brain works. It can make it hard to focus, sit still, or think before you act. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why some people have ADHD, but it might run in families. Only a doctor or health professional can tell you for sure if you have it.

Do I have depression?  

Sometimes, we all have days when we just feel “blah.” But if those days keep piling up and start to outweigh the happy ones, it might mean you’re dealing with depression. This isn’t just about feeling sad; it’s a real mental health issue that can make you feel tired, cranky, or even empty for a long time. It can make everyday things—like hanging out with friends, doing well in school, or taking care of yourself—really tough.

Exams got you stressed? 

The end of the school year can be an incredibly stressful time. If you’re feeling it, know that you’re not alone. We did a survey and found that 55% of young people in New Zealand aged 15-24 thought that stress was one of the biggest issues facing them, and the biggest thing stressing people out was school, university, exams, study, and homework.